mandag 4. mars 2013


800 g skinn- og beinfri klippfisk (vekta doblast etter utvatning)
4-5 dl olivenolje
2 dl vann
5-7 dl turr kvitvin
3 bk hakka tomater
150 g tomatpurre
10-12 fd hvitlauk
5 stk lauk
3 stk ferske tomater
12 store potetar
5-7 stk raud paprika
3-4 stk grøn paprika
1-2 stk raud chili
1 gl svarte oliven
1 gl grønne oliven
basilikum eller timian

Vatn ut klippfisken i minst eit døgn. Tida er ofte oppgjeven på ferdigpakka klippfisk.
Skjær den utvatna fisken i serveringsstykkar. Skrell lauken og potetane og skjær dei i tunne skiver. Hakk opp kvitlauken og chilli i små bitar. Kutt opp tomatane i bitar. Legg potetar, fisk, lauk, strimar av paprika, kvitlauk, chilli, tomatpurre og hakka tomatar lagvis i ei gryte. Slå over vatn, vin og olje.
Kok 1 ½ – 2 timar over svak varme. Ikkje rør i retten, men rist av og til i gryta så ingenting brenn fast i botn. Baccalaoen kan og kokast i steikomnen på 150 grader. Beregn meir tid i omnen.
Lat vere å krydre for mykje før bacalaoen har kokt ei stund. Smak om du vil ha meir peppar. Er du glad i sterk mat kan du tilsette meir chilli. Smak til med basilikum evt timian. Server med brød til, gjerne grovt. (Focaccia).
Og oppskrifta kom rekande på ei fjøl.  Har vorte servert med hell i Kabelvåg, Sortland, Tønsberg, Saltvik i Ofoten og i Cunda i Tyrkia.  Skal forske på kven som laga grunnoppskrifta.

fredag 1. mars 2013

Pillar of Shame #PillarofShame

I have been absent from my homepage for quite a while, but I haven´t been all together useless. I have been busy following people at my twitter account sharing information on:

  • Islamic states in general
  • Israel´s occupation of Palestine
  • How Europe and the USA relate with this vast and diverse region - foreign policy
  • Exploitation of people and countries in general
  • Poetry and art
  • Whatever happens to be interesting

It is of course impossible to keep a strict regime on what you follow and what you share.  It´s a pleasure to get all sorts of information from erudite and enthusiastic people from Norway and all over the world. At times I post a lot of RTs I find interesting  My excuse is that  you never know what people might like to read. Anyway tweets are coming and a lot of them are depressing. As for Palestine,  Israel is maintaining its occupation and I consequently post most of my tweets concerning Israeli perpetrations  under the hash tag #PillarofShame.

And now back to the occupation of Palestine.

Noone (Except Israel, the US and some minor states in the Pacific) is denying that Israel is occupying Palestine and that a strict apartheid system is observed by the occupying forces. It is most alarming that Israel always is the defining power and that their law is above Palestinian law.  Imagine living in a place where you might be dragged out of you bed, in the middle of the night by soldiers. Or worse, your house demolished, you´re imprisoned without any charges, judged by a military court and kept in prison as long as it pleases those in power. This is what happens on a daily basis for Palestinians

Israel has waged several wars on the Palestinians for the last 50 decades.  In between they have left their victims in "peace" under Israeli dictatorial rule. Whatever has been contrary to Israeli interests, has been systematically subjugated.  When protests from the Palestinians have grown too troublesome, the Israeli Government/Military have launched a new war by orchestrating an incident necessary to address. And of course, the Israeli Prime Minister says they are innocent because the Palestinians started it all.  But nowadays we know better.  Israeli atrocities are documented on a daily basis, and PM Netanayhu is marginalizing his own nation from the rest of the world for each and every perpetration.

At the same time as atrocities are coducted against the Palestinians, we see something very peculiar. More or less the same time Palestine was granted statehood by the UN, Israel was guiding the attention of the world toward Iran.  By focusing on Iran´s uranium enrichment program and the possibility of their making atom warheads,  Mr. Netanayhu was able to take the steam off the Palestine State issue. PM Netanyahu had quite a show in the General Assembly, making sure he got a lot of attention.  You got the impression that the animosity towards Iran had to be kept up at all costs.  And Mr. Netanyahu had his moment of glory in the General Assembly with his home made bomb. Regarding this it would have been interesting to find out if there is any correlation between the conflicts going on in the occupied Palestine and the diplomatic war on words with Iran.

Heckling with words has been and is a dominant feature of Netanyahu´s. He is always trying to keep the argument going on at his part of the turf.  But we are long past this phase.  We are looking at the reality on the ground.  And it´s ugly and has been so for the past 50 years.